
My journey over the last six months to one Earth year has been one of deep rest, dying and being rebirthed over and over again…

Held in the dark black void many times and slowly slipping away from aspects of me and a reality I held that was no longer for my Highest and Greatest Good. This probably sounds like your journey as well, just the details are expressed differently or arranged in a different way. 

The only place I can be is here, right Now. And I am learning the more I fall deeply in love with the Now, the more beautiful the next Now becomes. 

As I walk through what is my Now reality, a deep place of in between. I can still sense where I was, but it feels distant and faint, like the haze that holds the mountains at dawn. I can also feel/tap into where I am going, who is being drawn into my field, what I will be doing, and the abundance that is waiting for its Divine outpouring when I step fully into my current mission play with no veils attached to protect me or shield me from my pure unbridled Self. A massive shedding is underway, the chrysalis; gestating.

The void/in between I am currently experiencing is a much deeper, fuller, creative void than any other one in the cycle of voids I have walked through recently. I think of it as a larger cycle valley within a cycle valley, within a cycle valley. That is the only way I can perceive it at this moment. I wonder where this next cycle will lead me now? I am right at the End and right at the Beginning all at once. It is the New Moon moment of my life, it is the moment when dark turns to light in the early morning. It is still very dim and not quite morning yet; the Sun is only just rising above the horizon for the light to begin to reach our eyes.

That is how I feel, like a babe, just waking, eyes slowly seeing the golden light coming into my room through the leaves of the trees, the purple reddish glaze of the morning light painting my space. 

You might be wondering why or what I am even writing about, it is nothing and everything all at once. It is collapsing time, eons of toil all culminating in an instant, ready to be swept away to sea with the next crashing wave. This message is encoded with rebirth, the feminine void of nothingness & creation, the surrender of my Soul to my play in co-creation with the Divine Will. You are being influenced by my field just in reading/interacting with this message. I want to tell you what I am seeing for the collective and how my field is changing personally.

I am seeing all the old slough away, like a snake shedding its skin for a new one. I see the ones holding on to the old, continually having to re-stake their tent post because the winds of change have pulled it out of the soil once again. I see the areas of my life where I may have done that in the past. No longer will I try to resuscitate what is ready to die. How often do we not allow death to be beautiful? How often do we try to fix what is unfixable? What happens in the deep surrender of your heart when you give it over to God, the Divine? The dove breaks through the chains of constraint, it weakens the cycles of chaos and human suffering, you become the Observer, you are given the Eyes of God. 

Why does this surrender make you feel uncomfortable? 

It is supposed to, that is where the alchemy lies. Surrender into the surrender I dare say. What keeps you here, wanting, wishing, desiring for the next? Open your heart to the deeper Truth you Soul holds. Do you dare take a peek inside of what that looks like? How does it feel to be free, open, beyond authenticity, unbroken, pure and whole?


In Divine Crystalline Love,

