
In this Now, I feel us all collapsing into what our Highest Levels will allow us…

I want to share with you a vision that I had one night as I was trying to drift off to sleep a few weeks ago. I am only now innerstanding what was shown to me and feeling that happening in my body.

I heard one of my Higher Levels speak the words “collapsing ‘I’s” and “lifetime collapsing” a few nights earlier, so I wrote it down in my notebook near my bed. Then the vision came a few nights later as I lay awake in bed, waiting for sleep to come take me. What I saw was all of my Higher Levels ‘above’ me up and up and up, thousands of them. All centered in my central column of light. Then from the top they all started merging, absorbing into each other down, closer and closer to my body and into this level I currently hold. I could feel their presence in me, these levels that have been waiting to merge and for me to accept them into my current I. It was so beautiful, I felt full and so dynamic, abundant into infinity, beyond all constraints of physical Earth. This is available to all, now who wish to enter into this play. You only need to ask, and you shall receive.

Coming back from that vision, I wondered if others were feeling this, or was it just happening to us All and they had no idea? 

There is another aspect of this vision, that was very subtle, I did not even realize it until I dove deeper later. Part of this merging was also a shedding, I was shedding false aspects of myself that were never truly mine. Some I took on for protection, some I took on in fear, some I took on for fun. Nonetheless, they shed from me, just as naturally as my body sheds each month during bleeding. It just happens, there is nothing we need to ‘do’ on the external to make it happen. This takes work, this takes energy to shed and to absorb because we live in a material plane here on Earth, things are slower here. I have spent many weeks sleeping 12+ hours a day and then days mixed in where sleep never reaches me. This is how things will be for sometime still or maybe for a very long time, I’m not quite sure yet. 

I have been waking the last couple weeks with the sense of massive heart openings happening in my sleep. The astral play has been deep, vast and wide beyond comprehension (more on this in another Transmission). The back of my heart chakra sore in the morning from the opening it has been going through overnight. Spirit is cracking me open in ways I may never innerstand. Ultimate Compassion for mySelf and others is a major bi-product of this play.

The Body is such a beautiful vessel and is holding so much for us all in this Now. I try to take care of mine the best I can, which does not look like instagrammable vegan salads and spa days. It looks like me getting out of bed at 2am and eating leftover birthday cake, crying in the bathtub for the miraculous shedding that is happening in my reality, and laying half naked in my bed slathering my body with herbal massage oil just to keep my muscle soreness at bay during my bleeding time. (That was All me yesterday.) Now, I do other beautiful things for my Body vessel as well, like make my daily smoothies and herbal teas and only cooking for myself using high quality/integrity ingredients that make my heart happy. But part of what this Transmission is about (for it has a life of its own, always) is that we Are free from what health and wellness programming has tried to box us into. When you are truly clear and open, you only need to listen to your Body and what it needs and it does not need to make sense to your Mind. 

In Divine Crystalline Love,

