
My heart is opening to a new level that this version of myself has never known. The more I sit and allow it to flood in the more I am opened by it. It is like opening a damn of Love into a Heart that has been parched of nourishment and life for so long.

As I experience this now reality, the level of feelings that I am able to experience are incomprehensible to those I have felt in this body before. It’s not just an opening, but it is a purgation of the old, a massive surrender into a Now that I chose before I was held in this body. A council of Elders around me asking me to step into another deep seated potent vessel used for change; thriving in flux, a catalytic ripple begins. 

My Heart has become a Christened vessel of love, a chalice overflowing; outpouring to all those around me. Rippling beyond my own comprehension. Weaving the web; cyclical, building, spiralling out. This only has been able to occur as my inner Divine Masculine has taken his crown as King in my energy and owned his throne in my Heart and Soul. He holds, balances, and cares for my Feminine as she has always wanted to be held and honored as purely Her. He caresses her and puts her on the most beautiful stage to just Be in the world; her energy does it all. Anchoring her in this 3D reality as Beauty in all sense of the word. As she mounts him; becoming one, melding; a Divine Union - as it was always meant to Be and ever shall Be.

Asking for depth is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Can you recognize depth if you haven’t seen it/felt it/perceived it in any way? How would you describe it to someone who has no idea what that means to you? The depth of the ocean is beyond knowing to our human minds in its true expanse. What have you ever asked for? And what did it cost you? 



Do you feel the rumbling in the distance? It is like a storm cloud rolling in over the prairie, chasing you down, there is nowhere to run. Ready to wash the land away, feeding it moisture, yet providing clearing as the water takes us over. A steady beating drum, calling you back home; the heartbeat of Source. Ominous in its own sincere way, powerful in its nature. Allowed to be gigantic in presence and energy alone. Dark and strong - held.

Now that my Masculine sits on his throne in my Heart with his Queen, my Feminine, by his side; my external reality has begun to shift drastically. The outer Masculine has now been fully activated in my field and drawn in, in such a potent way. He is here, ready to Love me and hold me as my Heart calls to his. This timeline shift is subterranean and deeply karmic in nature. My Higher Levels have guided me to yet another version of me that is ready to dive through another wave of Death and Rebirth. The mystic held strong here, never afraid to walk through the fire of my own Heart and pain. Here I AM.

The weight of what my heart is carrying is taking me to depths that I love exploring. Taking me through the caves of my inner worlds. Tunnels buried only for me to discover; or did I create them myself? Beautiful and bottomless. A miner for Gold in my own right. Crystals to be realized in Mind, Body and Spirit. 

There have been many moments in this now, where everything has gone blurry around me. A vortex spiraling and pulling me through it, none of this with my own volition in play. A vacuum created to pull me through this massive splitting/tearing that is happening in the fabric of my current timeline. It is so peaceful here, quiet and still, while the outside looks chaotic and wild. I sit in my inner world of peace. Everything outside of me falls away, sloughs off, simple, easy.


I used to close myself off from feeling, blocking myself from experiencing the world. Now all my other I’s have opened me enough that I feel it All at once, but none of it consumes me - only Love is able to do that. The All IS Love. It is all existing around me and I am experiencing it, I can stand in neutrality here; seeing it all interweave into my reality; the tapestries we weave and create for all our Selves.

Like the willow’s branches, creates an ecosystem inside, but yet holds a space for it’s inner Self to feel it all. A veil of leaf like curtains to the world. What awaits inside? The inner parts raw, but held in a deep state of crystallization. Crystalline in cataclysmic growth. From a single point, this is where we grow from; where the spiral births. An opening, a way in, a way to feel into the future. And for me this Veil I have held around me, is now lifted. The leaves part in the sky for me to step through, Reborn. Me as I AM, fully naked entering the world for the first time. Unbridled and free - here she stands Now.

Once you release what you have known to be true, Truth holds such a more potent space for you to be in this Now. Can you think any other way?

What is holding me so deeply here is Love.

In Divine Crystalline Love,

