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a m a n d a w i l d e


This is the new wave of consciousness.

We are stepping into a space where feeling reigns, words no longer hold weight and the bending of time is more fluid than ever. Your natural clairsenses are available to tap into now and the astral realms are swimming with possibilities.

Earth is beaconing us to join her in her transformation, she is alive and The Goddess Frequency is coming back online for us all. She is ready to take her rightful place next to the Creator as the Creatrix and Mother of All.


There is a new way of Being, Creating and Living in this now. The plants, rocks, animals, insects and trees are already set in motion on these timelines, will you join us?

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You didn’t come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.
— Alan Watts
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